Doctoral plan  

The doctoral plan is drawn up in consultation with the thesis supervisor and discussed with the second advisor.

The doctoral plan (max. 10 pages excluding references) must contain at least the following elements:

  1. cover sheet with a working title of the thesis and the current date, and with the name and signature of the doctoral candidate, the doctoral thesis supervisor;
  2. abstract, max. ½ page;
  3. scope of the project, research tasks;
  4. elaboration on how the proposed research fits within the overall research of the institute and how it connects to other projects in the institute or department;
  5. literature review;
  6. future opportunities emerging from this research;
  7. time schedule;
  8. planned publications;
  9. teaching tasks;
  10.  additional duties of the doctoral candidate;
  11.  the timeline and courses of the extended doctoral studies (if applicable).

The Downloaddoctoral plan (PDF, 602 KB) must be submitted to the doctoral thesis supervisor, to the second advisor and to the Doctoral Administration of D-MAVT at least three weeks before the aptitude colloquium, together with the information about the planned Downloadaptitude colloquium (PDF, 33 KB).

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