DocS@MAVT People's Choice Award 2023

The Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering awarded four doctoral students with the "People's choice Award 2023" for the best presentation at the doctoral event DocS@MAVT on 16 March 2023. The winners are: 1. prize: Francesco Vicentini, 2. prize: Yifan Cui, 3. prize: Carl Hemprich and Charlotte Meyer. Congratulations!

by Silvia Häfliger

39 doctoral students presented their work at the doctoral student's event DocS@MAVT on 16 March 2023 with one-minute and one-slided presentations. The best four have been awarded with the "People's Choice Award 2023".

Francesco Vicentini won first prize with the presentation "Phase-field modelling of brittle fracture".

Yifan Cui won second place with her presentation "Macromolecular Engineering lab – we are sweeter than gummies".

Carl Hemprich and Charlotte Meyer shared third rank, Hemprich with his presentation "Bridging the scales: Computer-aided molecular and process design" and Meyer with her presentation "Nanoparticle Systems Engineering Laboratory".



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